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by nex on 3/5/03, 1:40 PM in opinionated
Terry Jones in the Observer in January:
Like Mr Bush, I've run out of patience, and if that's a good enough reason for the President, it's good enough for me.
I'm going to give the whole street two weeks - no, 10 days - to come out in the open and hand over all aliens and interplanetary hijackers, galactic outlaws and interstellar terrorist masterminds, and if they don't hand them over nicely and say 'Thank you', I'm going to bomb the entire street to kingdom come.(via K5)
Well, everyone's building exits from their site so people can escape to somewhere else, right? Maybe I should also do that from time to time. Not to be like everyone else, and not to tell others where they should go. Just to make a statement.