about this site

by nex on 3/9/03, 2:52 PM in meta

This site strives to be accessible by all people and interoperable with most user agents.

Therefore, it does not require users to install/enable technology that is still callow and brings about more trouble (like major incompatibility issues, pop-ups, security leaks, etc.) than benefits. Most pages are valid XHTML (I still have to fix a few minor issues) and nicely seperate content from layout, which is defined in valid CSS. (However, the site is also perfectly usable without the style sheet. Try it out, switch it off!)

This site uses no gifs, thinks that people who name their links 'here' are stupid, and occasionally leans out of the window to shout Fuck Censorship!

This site is very grateful to the nice Helma people who are so kind to host it.
