The Second Stupidity

by nex on 5/7/03, 10:43 AM in opinionated

Already seen The second Renaissance, Part II? There would have been such a nice opportunity to get out of that dodgy situation elegantly.

While almost no one believed the theory that they could have gotten everything right from the start and it just had been Morpheus who interpreted the data in a terribly wrong way, and the accompanying sub-theories about the real reason for the existence of the mechanised wombs were utter nonsense, there were no actual obstacles in the way of adopting this theory after the fact and straighten things out for the sequels. Alas, the seriously mentally handicapped Wachowskis didn't listen and made their incomprehensibly insane idea official, destroying the foundation of the whole plot: humanity is in fact an energy-producing perpetuum mobile, feeding on itself and proliferating in the process, with enough excess energy to support the machines. That's hundreds, if not thousands, of man-years that don't make sense in the end.

I had hoped that Reloaded could still become the new Blues Brothers, but there's way too much Disney in there.
